The Programmatic Advantage Is Yours

Oxiem is changing the game in programmatic supply to your advantage. By bringing more variety with enhanced intelligence for publishers and advertisers, you can achieve the next level of performance and impact.

The Oxiem approach combines the latest in publisher options, effective targeting, efficiency and transparency – with the added advantage of AI-powered QPS optimization.

family watching tv

Here’s a brief overview of what sets Oxiem apart in the supply-side marketplace:


The Oxiem Advantage

Quality Publishers

Oxiem offers top quality publishers with the ability to target virtually any audience, content, format or device – specializing in CTV, OTT and digital video inventory.

Content Object Transparency

Deliver the content you select to the ideal audience at the right time by accessing high quality inventory.

Curate the proper placements to help ensure that ads are performing and reaching relevant prospects.

Content Curation

We connect content, publishers and buyers with blazing-fast speed. We have the ability rapidly compile new content combinations in real-time with a unique approach to optimized inventory and supply.

AI QPS Optimization

Optimize your plan and schedule with the latest brand-safe, proprietary AI-targeting and optimization technology.


We offer unparalleled pricing on quality inventory with performance transparency to drive exceptional goal achievement and unmatched efficiency.

Contact Us

Buyer inquiries: [email protected]

Publisher partnerships: [email protected]

Support: [email protected]